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Tara has 12 coins in her pocket. How many of them are quarters? Data Sufficiency Problem. Clases GMAT QUANT OnLine per to per. Open your mind!

Saturday 28 November 2020, by Bunuel

Tara has 12 coins in her pocket. How many of them are quarters? (Quarter = 25 cents, dime = 10 cents)

(1) The total value of the 12 coins is $1.80.
(2) Tara has only quarters and dimes.

Claudio Hurtado ex docente UC, Consultor Razonamiento Matemático GMAT GRE SAT. Imparte clases OnLine per to per, para preparar con ventaja tu GMAT QUANT, GRE QUANT, SAT QUANT. Open your mind!! Reserva tus clases hoy. WhatsApp 56945517215, Email clasesgmatchile@gmail.com, Sitio Web www.gmatchile.cl, Dirección Avenida Hernando de Aguirre 128, Of 904, a 50 metros estación metro Tobalaba.

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